Donate to PAC

Contribute to OR-PAC

OPR-PAC has been instrumental in fighting benefit cuts and changes to the COLA in the past legislative sessions, and is committed to supporting candidates that support the well-being of retired public employees.

Contributions are used to advocate on behalf of member interests before the Legislature during sessions and in the interim between sessions and support legislative candidates who share our commitment to protect your rights and benefits.

If you prefer to contribute by check, please download, complete and mail the OPR-PAC contribution form to: P.O. Box 12945, Salem, OR 97309

Did you know that you can give up to $100/couple or $50/person and get the entire amount back when you do your Oregon income taxes?

The Oregon Political Tax Credit allows you to give a donation to OPR-PAC and get the ENTIRE AMOUNT BACK when you file your 2020 taxes